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Chocolate Lava Bun

The molten chocolate lava bun is truly one of the most delicious and most romantic desserts. Is there anything more luscious than a moist warm chocolate lava bun with a deliciously rich chocolate filling that spills out as you eat it? If you've never tasted this divine dish, then you are missing out!!

Skill Level


Cook Time

30-45 mins




  • 250g Milk  
  • 30g Egg
  • 45g Yolk
  • 50g Sugar
  • 100g FuFann Chocolate Spread
  • 50g Cake Flour
  • 100g Whipping Cream


  1. Mix whole egg, yolk, castor sugar and beat the mixed material
  2. Add cake flour and stir well until dough consistency.
  3. Add boil milk and stir constantly to avoid burning.
  4. Turn off the fire and mix FuFann chocolate spread, then frozen it one hour.
  5. Whip the whipping cream to medium peak, add chocolate custard in it.
  6. Stuffing in bun by using pastry bag.


❤️ ❤️  If you make this recipe, be sure to snap a photo and hashtag it #FuFann. I'd love to see what you cook!


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